




2016 AMAスーパークロスRd.9 デイトナでのヒートレース中のクラッシュにより、今季3度目の欠場が続いているジェームズ・スチュワート。




腰を強打と尾骨にも? ダメージがあるようで、トロントSXとデトロイトSXを欠場。チームリリースではこれまでの欠場原因だった脳震盪後遺症候群には触れられていないのはせめてもの安心材料。


What’s up peeps. As you know I busted my Gluteus Maximus last week in the whoops. That’s the second time I ever looped out but the first time on tv where the world can see it. After studying the film, there is a perfectly good reason why that happened. Too much gas and not enough brake. That’s it!! Lol. But in all seriousness that hurt so bad and still is hurting. Can’t sit down with my donut or without some cushion for my behind. I’ve been getting a lot of support from you guys and I truly appreciate it. It’s been a tough year but I’m here for the journey back to where I belong. No one but you knows how hard you work, how many hours you put in the behind the scenes. Rely on yourself for approval, not the outside world. Just gotta keep pushing!!!! 🏊🏾🏊🏾🏊🏾🏊🏾

James Stewartさん(@therealjs7)が投稿した写真 –











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