

2016AMAスーパークロス開幕戦での脳震盪によるダメージが心配されたジェームズ・スチュワート。Rd.2 サンディエゴ直前の検査にパスし、プラクティスへ参加したものの体調不良によりレースをキャンセル。





Chino, CA (Jan. 17, 2016) – Yoshimura Suzuki Factory Racing rider James Stewart was cleared by Asterisk Mobile Medical Center personnel to race Saturday’s San Diego I Supercross, but after riding in two practice sessions Stewart elected to sit out the event.

Stewart was briefly knocked unconscious in the season opener at Anaheim I on Jan. 9, while running near the front early in the main event. He began feeling better during the week and underwent and passed neurocognitive and concussion management testing Friday afternoon.

Stewart hopes to return to race Anaheim II this coming Saturday, but his status remains day to day.

“We went through the process with the testing and he passed with flying colors,” explained Yoshimura Suzuki team manager Mike Webb. “I talked with the Asterisk Medical guys and they said clearly there was no issue with the testing. We left it up to James, to feel it out and tell us how he felt once the blood got pumping and the adrenalin gets going. The first session he was OK and picking up the track, but in the second session he just wasn’t comfortable. There was no way we were going to take a chance with his health. We want him to take a couple more days of recovery and we’ll get him back on the bike later in the week.”


リリースによると脳震盪と神経認知の検査はクリアしたものの、走行時の血圧やアドレナイリンが体調に影響する可能性も考慮してスチュワートの体調に細心の注意を払っていたが体調不良の為、レースをキャンセル。様子を見て更に休養を取らせ、次戦Rd.3 アナハイム2参戦については週の後半にライディングしてみた結果によるとあります。


現状、スチュワートの次戦以降のレース参戦は白紙状態であると考えていいでしょう。チームメイトのブレイク・バゲットもシーズンオフの負傷で欠場中。代役は? という話も出てくるのかもしれませんが…


スチュワート、心配です… 過去のレースキャリアを振り返っても脳震盪、頭部へのダメージが多かったライダー。








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