モトゴシップ|AMA ウィル・ハーン現役引退!



AMA モンスターエナジーカワサキのウィル・ハーンが2016年シーズン限りでの引退を表明!












I don’t know where to begin, as this is hard for me to say. However, the Aus-X Open will be my last race as a full-time professional racer. I know that 26 is a young age to retire from racing, but it is time for me to move on and pursue another career. I am still just as in love with the sport as I was when I was four-years-old, but sadly, my body has taken a beating through the years. The injuries have taken their toll…when I have a family, I want to be able to throw a ball around with my kid! My career may not have been the most successful or the longest, but I sure did make a lot of friends and fans that I will always value. I grew up in a small town with a population under 100, and I’m so fortunate to have experienced the things and seen the places…racing has made it all possible for me. I am so thankful to have lived out my dreams, thanks to motocross racing. The next chapter in my life is exciting and it will be a new challenge for me. It would be impossible to personally thank everyone who has helped me throughout my career and help me put my name in the record books, but I am eternally grateful. My family sacrificed everything to help me chase my dream, and I would be nowhere without them. Thank you to everyone back in Kansas who always believed in me. I’m proud to announce that after tonight’s Aus-X final, I will assume a role with the Factory Connection Honda team to help with race team testing, and will also work closely with its amateur race team. The future is bright, and I can’t wait to see what 2017 has in store! I hope to see you all at the races! Wil

Wil Hahnさん(@wilhahn_)が投稿した写真 –


2013年のAMAスーパークロス250SXイーストクラスでマービン・ムスキャンとの熾烈なタイトル争いを制し、悲願のチャンピオン獲得。翌、2014年から450クラスへステップアップを果たすも上腕骨折、2015年AMAスーパークロス開幕戦で再び上腕骨折。2016年は肩脱臼、鎖骨と肩甲骨骨折… 残念ながら450ステップアップ後はフルシーズン戦えない状態が続いていました。




pc: Kawasaki Racing Press

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